How do I rename a OpenRegistry repository?

Currently, you cannot rename an OpenRegistry repository once it's been created. You will need to create a new repository with the name of your choice, move all relevant tags to the new repository created, and delete the existing repository you wish to rename.

Can a repository be transferred to a different account?

Repositories can not be transferred to a different account. If you would like to transfer a repository to a different account, you will need to download any images You can then recreate the repository on the new account.

I Signed in with GitHub, how can I docker login to pull/push images ?

You can use a PAT (Personal Access Token) from GitHub for Docker CLI login. To create a PAT, follow the official GitHub guide here: GitHub Doc for PAT and use the generated Personal Access Token as your password for docker login.
The username will same as your GitHub username

How can I change my email address?

Currently, this functionality is unavailable. However, we're working on integrating it into OpenRegistry with coming releases

How can I change my OpenRegistry Password

To change your OpenRegistry Password, go to your Profile -> Settings -> Change Password.
Enter the current password, new password and finally confirm the new password and there you have it! In case you forgot your OpenRegistry Password, please click on forgot password and you'll receive an email to reset the password

A Humble Note

OpenRegistry is a small team of 2 developers, as we work towards making it the best Container Registry, please make sure to drop any bug reports or improvement advice in the section below. We'd love to hear from you!

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